Terms of Use

Welcome to essayswriting.org (the “Website”), a service offered by CoreForce Ltd and its affiliates! We encourage you to read these Terms of Use (“Terms” and/or “Terms of Use”) attentively prior to starting using our Website because by accessing and/or using our Website you, being a guest user or already a registered one, are agreeing to abide by these Terms.

Terms and Definitions used in these Terms

  • “you” and/or “your” means you, the end user and the customer, accessing the Website, its contents and ordering/ purchasing Services through the Website, and a company, enterprise or other institution if you buy any offered Services by us representing a company, enterprise, or other institution;
  • “Control Panel” is your personal area within our site, to which you can log in 24/7 to manage your orders, check your balance with credits and find the referral discount code.
  • “we”, “our”, “us”, “ourselves” and/or “essayswriting.org” mean
  • “Cookies Policy” means our cookies policy as well as the details indicated on the Website;
  • “Order” means an Order you placed for Services through/ by means of this Website;
  • “Order Form” means this Website order form/registration form, or other signup or acceptance form, including any data that you specify there.
  • Privacy Policy” means our privacy policy, which can is described on our Website;
  • “Revision Policy” means our revision policy, full particularities of which are indicated on this Website;
  • “Referral ” means each new and unique customer referred from you through a discount code provided by us;
  • “Services” mean digital writing services which are obtainable for acquisition through/by means of this Website.

Any utilization of the above mentioned terminology and/or alternative words and phrases used in various forms, including capitalization, singular, or plural, changing them for pronouns like he/she/they, are used synonymously, which means they are one and the same.


These Terms of Use together with Privacy Policy, Revision Policy, Cookies Policy, Money Back Guarantee set out the whole of the agreement relating to the providing Services to you by us.

Our Privacy Policy (as this term defined herein) describes how information about you is collected, used and disclosed and provides other important privacy information.

This Website uses a variety of cookies and similar technologies to collect any of your personal information. Please learn more in the separate document within our Website, which is our Cookies Policy.

Please read these Terms, Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy attentively prior to starting using our Website.

If case you use the Website, you agree with this document of the Terms, together with our Privacy Policy, Revision Policy, Cookies Policy, and Money Back Guarantee, allow us to use your individual information as indicated in the Privacy Policy and agreement to our Website’s usage of cookies and similar technologies as mentioned in our Cookies Policy. If you disagree to any conditions included into this document, please stop utilizing this Website promptly.

No use of this website by children
(under the age of 16)

We do not intentionally collect any information (including personal data) from, and our Website, information on the Website and/or our Services are not directed to children under the age of sixteen (16).

No use of this website by customers from Australia

While staying on the territory of Australia, you agree to stop browsing our website if you opened it using any programs and software that help you bypass access restrictions and not to use our Services in any way. Such actions will be regarded as unlawful and cheating since any access to our website is prohibited for all Australian customers according to the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Amendment (Prohibiting Academic Cheating Services) Act 2020 No. 78.


By continuing using our Services you express and approve that (a) any information you give us is accurate and true; (b) you will keep this information up-to-date; (c) you are or over 18 years old and you legally be bounded by any agreements; and (d) when using our Website, you follow any applicable law, regulation.

When you desire to Order our Services representing a company, enterprise, or other institution, then (i) you (as this term defined herein) includes you and that company, enterprise, or other institution, and (ii) you represent and warrant that you are authorized to bind this company, organization or other entity to our contract (counting these Terms), and that you accept our terms mentioned in this document as a representative of yourself and the company, organization or other entity.

By ordering/ using our Services you accept that your Services to you may be terminated without warning at our sole discretion, if you breach/ violate these Terms and/or we believe that you do not fit any or the whole of the representations and/or warranties set forth in these Terms.

User Identification

For compliance purposes, we may request additional information from you in order to confirm your identity. Such information may include request to provide us with scanned copies of your identification documents, last four digits of your credit/debit card or other identity and/or billing/payment information related documents.

You can be sure that any information provided by you (including personal data) shall be collected, stored and processed strictly in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Formation of the Contract

Keep in mind that all information and/or Services described in the Website is not an offer but only an invitation to treat.

Your Order is an offer to purchase Services from us. When you create your Order with us, you do so in accordance with the Terms and subject to our acceptance of your Order (offer to purchase Services). After you create an Order through our Website, a message will be sent to you within the control panel acknowledging the receipt of your Order, which includes you Order number. Keep in mind that acknowledgement of receipt of any Order (whether via email, telephone, SMS of otherwise) is only an acknowledgement and doesn’t mean that the particular Order is accepted.

If we haven’t notified you that we do not accept your Order (offer to purchase Services) or you have cancelled it, we accept your Order (or proposal to complete a purchase) in case we approve that you place your Order on our site. Upon accepting your Order, we have a legal binding obligation to deliver you the appropriate Services in accordance with these Terms.

We may choose not to accept your Order (offer to purchase Services) for any specific motive at our sole discretion and we will not be responsible for you or any other third parties in this matter. If we reject your Order (whether in whole or in part) we will issue a refund for any cost paid for the Order you placed (and/or any specific segment of that Order, which we did not welcome).


Copywriting is the main type of Services provided by us. By this Service we understand that an original text material will be provided upon an individual request of our Clients, namely tailored up to the specifications of the Orders placed on this Website.

Above mentioned text material is seen as an original web-writing completed on a particular subject and within the required size. Assignment is done by the expert writers working in our team who are professionals in various fields of studies. Web-writings may include, however, not be limited to: copyrighting/writing services/problem solving/multiple choice questions, etc. Any and all digital writings mentioned herein and other types of assignments written/done under these Terms hereinafter shall be referred to as “Paper”.

Multiple choice questions or tests and similar assignments shall be processed only if stated in paper details section of the order form, uploaded to the page of the order inside the control panel or sent to our email only. We shall never complete the any tests online if they require us to sign in to the account to complete the assignment for you.

We can easily take any text materials that you have written in order to proofread or edit it, checking them for any possible mistakes that include grammar, stylistic, punctuation, spelling, or if there are any parts with plagiarism.

Keep in mind that we reject plagiarism. Moreover, we fight it with all efforts and are dedicated to it. Submitting a plagiarized material under original text when ordering a proofreading/editing type of service shall be processed as a request for a completely new paper and will be priced under writing from scratch type of services. However, if our system does not track the plagiarism in the file you provided and we do proofread it for grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes, we are not responsible for any plagiarism left in the Paper.

The Paper will be provided in the format requested by you. This can be a Word document file (.doc, .dox), an Excel file (.csv), and any other file format, if our writer can provide your Paper within such a format. Keep in mind that the final format of the Paper is accessible for download only after your order is approved.

Accessing the Website

While filling in the Website’s Order Form we shall ask you to provide us with accurate and complete information/instructions about your Order.

By using this Website, you warrant that all data and information provided by you about your Order is true, accurate and up to date. All information about you that you give us, we process in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Login (email), password or other type of details, allocated by us or generated by you while utilizing this Website are a portion of our security measures. You must see such details as private/confidential, and must not reveal it to third parties of any kind. We reserve the right to disable any login (email), password, whether chosen by you or allocated by us, whenever, if in our opinion you do not comply with all or any provisions indicated in these Terms

The sole responsibility for all actions that happen on your profile are under your responsibility. You accept to (i) immediately notify us in all cases of unlawful use of your account, including any kinds of break of safety, and (ii) ensure that you exit from account after finishing each session. We shall not be accountable for any loss and/or harm rising from your inability to follow these provisions.

Order Placement

Right after you take a decision to Order our Website Services, you can use the Order Form on it. (Please consider that to order a Paper is possible only by completing our Order Form.) Alternatively, our support agents can order for you through the very same Order Form. You must precisely and attentively include all the individual information required from you together with the information needed to complete the Order in the Order Form. We never support any attempts of cheating, which is why we forbid you to give us any incorrect, not up-to-date information when you complete our Website’s Order form. Non-completion of the ordering procedure will not be regarded as a required Order and no text materials will be provided to you. You fall under the responsibility for any possible consequences, delays and misunderstandings if you provided us with inaccurate and/or incorrect and/or unfaithful information about yourself and/or the Order Form.

We will collect and process personal information about you while you are placing the order. This is needed to manage and proceed with your Order, and to provide the Services to you. Other information as to the manner in which your individual data shall be processed, stored and maintained as it is mentioned in the Privacy Policy .

Alerts may be sent to you regarding the stages you should by all means follow while placing your Order. Any of the following ways can be used to send you the alerts: using your emails address, sending you SMS, or calling you over the telephone. More about the communication ways with us is mentioned in our Communication Procedure section.

Within ordering process, there will be an opportunity to correct the mistakes in parts of the Order placed through the Website until the moment when you submit your Order. This is done by clicking the Proceed to Payment (or similar) button located on the last step of the Order Form. Please carefully check your Order at each stage of your Order process.

We may ask you for additional documents to confirm your payment to us (statement from your bank or payment service provider). If you unable to provide us with such documents confirming your payment, we shall have the right to put on hold and not to process your order until we receive your payment. We shall cancel your order if we hadn’t received your payment within 3 months after you have placed your order.

Keep in mind that the timer of the Order deadline starts on the next minute after we receive the payment confirmation in our system and we confirm your order.

Optional Services

You can add some additional extras to your Order when you place it on the Website. They include Plagiarism report, VIP customer service, Preferred writer, and Abstract page.

If the extra is related to a preferred writer, the choice is given with four extras: “My previous writer”, “TOP writer”, “Advanced writer”, and “Regular writer”. When you wish to select the “Regular writer”, the ultimate price of the Order will not change. With it, any of our Writers who is experienced in your field of study will be assigned to the order at our discretion. Our “TOP writer” extra guarantees that the ordered assignment will be given to one of the most qualified authors. After adding this extra, you will see the price changed for the order. “My previous writer” requires that you insert Writer ID of the expert who previously worked on one of your orders and you are ready to work with the same writer again. Please keep in mind that you will be able to use this extra if the deadline for your order is 24 hours or even more. If the writer is no available to start working on your order again, we will immediately start looking for another writer qualified in your field of study. If the writer turns out to be already a TOP or Advanced writer, you will be requested to pay some additional fee. If you wish to include our “Advanced writer” extra to your order, this will lower in comparison to the TOP Writer, moreover, your writer will be much more experienced than our “Regular writer” is.

The extra “VIP customer service” provides you with some extra attention of our Website’s Customer Support Team. This means that any request from you will be answered prior than others. Also, it guarantees you SMS notifications about your order status, for instance, upon the assigning of a Writer or when he requires some specifications on the topic, or when your Order is completed. This is why we need you to give us your current contact information, namely a valid telephone number. Differently, we won’t be able to provide you the service, which is meant by our “VIP customer service” extra. The prices for our extra are indicated on the Prices page.

Ordering our “Plagiarism report” extra guarantees that you’ll get official proof that the material completed for you is original. We will scan the completed order by our unique plagiarism detector WebCheck and you’ll be able to get the report in your Control panel right after you press the “Approve” button. Please go to our Prices page to see the price of each extra.

Adding the “Abstract page” extra to your order guarantees a properly written Abstract page will be prepared by the writer to accompany your assignment. Visit our Website’s Prices page to see how much this extra costs.

To get the materials or their parts which were used when completing your Order, you can additionally purchase the “Sources used” extra in your control panel on the order page of each particular order. The writer will then upload digital copies of either the full sources or the parts of the sources used in completing your Paper. The price of the extra is mentioned on the Website’s Prices page.

The table of contents or outline for the completed Paper may be included to the order with the Table of Contents/Outline extra, which is also available for purchase in the control panel on the order page. Prices of extra also mentioned on the Website’s Prices page.

Our extra – “Editor’s check” – can be included to the Order as well through the order page in your personal Control Penal. Adding it guarantees that our qualified editor will proofread your order and edit if necessary. Go to the Prices page to learn this extra’s cost.

Your order price is calculated once you complete all Order Form steps and is based on the deadline, the type of work, academic level, amount of pages/problems/questions/slides and any chosen optional extras.

Payment and Fees

Once you have clicked the Proceed to Payment button (or any identical), this will mean that you will be redirected to the payment page for the Services you have ordered via the Website. Keep in mind that we offer only prepaid Services. If your payment was not delivered to us the payment process failed, or payment method is declined, we will deny your Order until the payment is successfully processed. Make sure to double check the latest price of your order before proceeding with the payment.

We also reserve the right to edit the order and request an additional payment in case some mismatches between the indicated order details and the assignment instructions take place. In this respect, the order is also considered to be unpaid.

Paper price includes our fee (consideration) for Copyright License set forth in these Terms.

We draw your attention that additional fees will probably be required if your order any of our extras mentioned above.

Your Order price is formed and determined based on your Order deadline, type of Paper, academic level as well as any and all the included extras. The ultimate Order cost can be seen in the last step of Order Form, at the very bottom.

All prices for this Website Services are displayed either in your local currency or USD, and are exclusive of VAT. You may be required to pay VAT exceptionally if you make your payment from the country that is part of the EU (European Union). The VAT is charged extra to the Order price while the transaction of the payment is processed. Nevertheless, in some case when the local law requires so, VAT will be included additionally to the total Order cost even if you do not reside in the EU.

All prices are exclusive of (a) any and all fees/ commissions imposed on you by payment processors and/or your bank and/or card issuer (including for currency exchange), (b) taxes and/or levies as well as other duties established by taxing or other state authorities, and you shall be responsible for payment of all such feed/ commissions and/or taxes, and/or levies, and/or duties.

Sometimes we may offer promotional/special or discount prices to our Services. These prices are possible exceptionally when the promotion/discount is provided and liable to be subjected to the terms of that promotion/discount. Please consider that any discounts shall not be applied after you have made your payment. Therefore, please check your final fee in the Order Form before making a payment.

We personally can decide that a different price is required for your Order than the one specified in the Website’s Prices page. We will notify you about it and offered different fee. Your final fee shall be depicted in the Order Form or on the page of the order in your control panel. Keep in mind that you can cancel the order before proceeding with the payment.

Additionally, you can use credits from your balance on any of your current and/or future orders.

Multiple choice questions, problem solving and other similar services have different pricing (all the prices are stated on the Prices Page of the Website.) in comparison to the standard order for pages. Another Order Form will be sent to you for completion to order these kinds of Orders. Furthermore, such types of orders that do not include pages will not bring credits to your balance.

If you use a credit/debit card to pay, this must the same credit/debit card that has been authorized by you and you have a right to pay with it. Any credit/debit card holder will be required to confirm checks by third parties and/or authorization by the card issuer. If your bank or the person who issued the card for you doesn’t want to make your payment authorized or any other authentication checks return opposing results, your Order will not be accepted by us.

If you are one of the customers with a credit/debit card that is not denominated in the currency indicated in the Order Form, the final price will be determined according to the current exchange rate of that very date when the payment transaction has been processed by your card issuer.

Order Fulfilment

After the Paper you ordered is completed, it becomes accessible in the Control Panel.  In case you believe the Paper to be of needed quality, it should be approved, which will allow you to download it.

The Paper will have a status of an approved one if you do not express any requirements within the period of 14 days after the last version of the paper was delivered by the writer. The Paper will be automatically approved after 1 weeks (7 days).

If your Order is for editing or proofreading services, we shall not change over 30% of the text initially provided.

Warranties and Representations

We need to establish that neither Paper you receive nor our Website will be used only for legal intentions. Also, we want you to be sure that the Services of this Website are in full conformity with all relevant conditions. To make this possible, a system of shared guarantees and representations was organized, which are valid for both you and us.

By agreeing with these Terms of Use, you accept, warrant and represent to us that:

  • You have viewed and learned this document.
  • All ideas, details and/or information utilized from the Paper will be cited properly.
  • The Papers are provided to you solely as patterns, for investigation, quotation purposes, and/or to enable you to see how to correctly complete an assignment in a specific formatting style (APA, Turabian, MLA, Harvard, Chicago, etc.).
  • You accept that all Papers are received from writers working freelance. They give their rights for the created materials together with a property right to our partners and/or affiliates.
  • You completely agree with the fact that essayswriting.org takes a compensation for the efforts and time spent for collecting, regulating, improving, rearranging, publishing, and bringing the completed materials with references and the supply, control, and promotion of the Website.
  • You agree not to use, duplicate, share, post, correct, exhibit or write copied works based on the text materials received from this Website unless you received our previously written consent.
  • You accept that provided Papers are to be utilized for your reference/research and personal use only. Copies are not to be made for its distribution, moreover, the paper and none of its parts is to be used without an appropriate reference.
  • You are not to write your name on any of the received Papers from this Website. Subject to this document, you are given the license to use the Paper for personal and non-commercial uses only. However, you are not granted any economic and/or moral intellectual property rights.
  • You are to inform us of accurate, true and up to date information requests from us in any available form.
  • You agree not to pass the Paper to any educational institution, therefore we do not guarantee any particular grade mark, nor claim for your money back in case your assessment was unsatisfactorily.

Nevertheless, we warrant and represent you the following:

  • We possess acceptable intellectual property rights, which help us give you the required right to utilize the Paper as mentioned in these Terms.
  • We do not excuse, spur, or consciously make plagiarism real in the completed materials, take deceitful actions or participate in academic fraud.

An acceptable level of plagiarism is lower than 10%. If the plagiarism level of the completed paper exceeds 10%, then you are eligible to receive a refund or a revision if such is still needed. More information about this can be found in our Revision Policy and Money Back Guarantee. Keep in mind that references and properly cited information, clichéd phrases such as connectors, idioms and/or standard phrases are not considered plagiarism and are, consequently, not included in the calculation of the plagiarism level of a paper.

  • We agree to follow all reasonable instructions initially stated in the order page.
  • None of the delivered papers are stored in outside databases. Sample papers will be published online by us to protect our writers’ work in the occurrence of a refund or claim from your side after the completed Paper was already provided for you.
  • Any needed research is to be completed by us to deliver the ordered Paper.


A limited amount of opportunities is provided by us for you to claim back the money you have paid for your order (to receive a refund). Only the original payment source can receive the refund. To see the full information about our refund policy, check the Money Back Guarantee page.

Intellectual Property Rights

Website Content

The contents our Website as well as it on the whole, including, however, not restricted to, its source code, scripts, text, photographs, animation, video, software, HTML code, web apps, artwork, images, design, and audio (collectively, “Website Materials”) are protected by national and international copyright laws and treaties. All copyright and other intellectual property rights in the Website and the Website Materials are either possessed wholly by or are licensed to us.

Such Website Materials are provided for your information and personal use only and are not to be used for purposes of a business or commercial enterprise. You are not allowed to change, publish, issue or otherwise replicate any Website Materials supplied to you or that appears on the pages of this Website without prior receiving our written consent. Any unauthorized copying, alteration, distribution, transmission, performance, display, or alternative use of the Website’s Materials is prohibited.

Paper Copyright.

You acknowledge that we are the sole and exclusive owner of the intellectual property for the Paper, and you shall do nothing inconsistent with such ownership, except as provided in the Copyright License clause hereunder. You further agree that you won’t claim any rights as for the Paper, or any compilation, derivative, series of sequel. You accept that no part of these Terms shall give you any right, title, or interest in the Paper other than the right to use one in accordance with these Terms. You admit the validity of all copyrights for the Paper and all associated intellectual property rights, and acknowledges that all and any rights that might be acquired by you because of your utilization of the Paper shall inure to our sole benefit.

Copyright License

We hereby grant to you an exclusive, non-sublicensable (non-transferable), perpetual worldwide license to use and/or copy the Paper for reference of research purposes and only your private or personal use only. It may not be used for any alternative purpose without our written permission.

You hereby accept such license and that you are not to use the Paper except in accordance with this document. You admit and approve that you are not to: (1) distribute or sell the Paper in any way, (2) modify/ adapt/ translate the Paper, (3) make any improvements, (4) incorporate into another work /with other intellectual property rights, (5) make any publications and distribution of Paper, (6) share Paper with others, and/or (7) insert your name into the completed Paper.

You accept that delivered Paper is completed for you only as an example, model of the requested document type for research purposes. All text and/or other material from the Paper used in any way in an original paper completed by you shall be attributed to essayswriting.org and appropriately cited. The delivered Paper is not to be used to complete any online assignments and/or tests. Moreover, the online facilities provided by our Website are not to be used to take any kind of online. The Paper is not to be used for obtaining any mark, grade or any achievement in any way connected with academics.

The rights granted to you under this document, including Copyright License, shall terminate immediately upon your breach of any part of the Terms of Use, and you must (at our choice) give back or delete all copies of the Paper you may have made pursuant to rights granted under this document.

Referral Program

The essayswriting.org Referral Program allows you to send an invitation to anyone you know to purchase Services with us, and in return receive commission fee for each purchase of Services (“Commission Fee”) by a Referral that you refer to essayswriting.org under and/or in accordance with these Terms and Referral Program.

Thereby, we encourage you invite other third parties to also enjoy the benefits offered by our Service. Moreover, you will also receive 10% of the sum paid by all of your Referrals for orders with us if they use your referral discount code when placing their order.

We want to draw it to your attention that any attempt to manipulate and/or falsify Referral and/or purchase of Services by your Referral to intentionally defraud us, as well as any violation of the provisions of these Terms, including Referral Program section, constitutes immediate grounds to terminate Your participation in the Referral Program of our Website and will outcome in penalty of any Commission Fees due to you, and/or your forfeiture of Services as well.


In order to participate in the Referral Program of our Website, we will make assessable for you a number of textual and/or graphic links (all of these links will herein be referred to as “Links” or “Link”), which are subject to the Terms hereof. Links will be made accessible for you (generated) in the Referral Section of your personal control panel upon your registration. The Links will serve to identify you as a member of the Referral Program of our Website. The Links may connect to the order form area on the Website. You accept that in utilizing the Links, you will collaborate with us fully and will not modify and/or alter Links by any means.

Referral Criteria

Please consider that not anyone whom you refer may fall under the Referral Program of our Website. Each Referral and each sale of Services to a Referral must follow the below criteria (the “Criteria“):

  1. Each Referral must be a first-time and unique visitor to Websites and must register through the completion and submission of the relevant customer Order Form utilizing an exclusive and valid billing information and account.
  2. Each Referral must complete a purchase on our Website, and pay for the ordered Services. To make a Commission Fee, each Referral shall be a qualified, active customer and must be up-to-date in all expenditures when the Commission Fees are administered and not having received a refund, partial or full credit, cancellation of the order/payment, suspension of account or chargeback of the completed payment
  3. Each Referral must register in such a way, which conclusively indicates that the Referral was referred straight from you to our Website in our sole judgment.
  4. Each Referral must comply with Terms of our Website, Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy as well as any alternative policies which are effective when the Commission Fees are made.
  5. It is not allowed to publish your referral discount on coupon sites.

In case any above Referral Program terms are broken, you will get one warning. If the instances reoccur, the referral program will be disabled on your account and you will not receive any payment from your referral balance.

After the activation of the Referral Program, additional information may be asked from you in order for us to process your earnings in a payment to you. These may include the payment details.

Commission Fee Accrual and Payments

The earnings acquired under our Referral Program may be used either to cover the costs of any of the orders with our Website or they may be withdrawn through the offered payment systems.

We will pay a Commission Fee of 10% of Referral purchase of our Services. All payments will be handled via worldwide payments systems online. For the current list of available payment systems, please contact support. Commission Fees are processed on 16-20 days of the next month after the month in which they accrued (“Commission Fee Payment Period”). However, a right is reserved by us to change this period of time at our sole discretion.

Commission Fees accrued become payable once you reach a Commission Fee level of USD100. To initiate the Commission Fee withdrawal procedure, you must contact the Customer Support Representatives of our Website at least four (4) days before the Commission Fee Payment Period.

We, in our sole discretion, keep the right to indeterminately deny any Commission Fee, and/or to reverse, refute or discard any Commission Fee, for:

  1. All commissions generated for Referral accounts that may be fraudulent, including and not limited to the use of software that generates real and fictitious information.
  2. If we believe orders to be fake or see an arrangement of possibly deceitful activity, together with but not restricted to the use of several profile from the identical Referral.
  3. Altering Our Links in any way.
  4. Posting referral discount on one or more coupon websites.


You are accountable for the payment of all taxes connected to the commissions you receive with our Referral Program.

Keep in mind that information you provide to us is essential in order for us to complete the payment of Commission Fee to you. Thereby you are accountable for informing us about any changes to your postal and/or e-mail addresses, and any changes to your name, contact information, or other information that may impact our ability to issue a valid Commission Fee payment.

Any changes in this information must be made at least fifteen (15) business days before to the end of the calendar month for the Commission Fees for that month to be paid.

You can refuse to participate in our Referral program upon your wish. In addition, we can disable the program for you.

Among our encouragement is not to utilize unsolicited commercial email (spam), any time of web spam, such as on social media, forums, and any and all illegal methods of promotion. All the emails sent by you should obey all laws and regulations that oversee such behaviour under your jurisdiction. Referral discount codes are not to be posted on coupon sites. Our Referral Program is not to be used for cheating.

Revision Guarantee

Our Revision Policy documents all the cases of possible free revisions. Please see it for full information.

Communications Procedure

Our goal is to guarantee and make possible proper communication between us and you. To achieve effective communication, please give us your valid phone number, email address and/or any other means of reaching you so that we can inform you of important order updates and the latest promotional materials.

We will primarily communicate with you by e-mail. You acknowledge that you will connect electronically with us and our Support Team. You accept to receive any communications electronically from us and that all notices, disclosures, agreements and other communications made between us electronically satisfy any legal necessities that such notifications be made in writing. You are responsible for ensuring your ability to receive e-mails from our Website. All our communication is subject to our Privacy Policy .

We will use the communication means provide by you to send of you all needed messages, requests, inquiries, clarification or any other vital information about your cooperation with us.

By agreeing to these Terms of Use, you express your explicit consent to receive promotional and marketing materials, notifications and advertisement to keep you up to date about our promotional offers, sales, discounts, etc.

To stop receiving promotional SMS and/or email notifications from our Website, please contact our Customer Support Team and inform them of your wish. After we receive your request, promotional materials will be stopped being sent to you within 10 business days through the medium indicated by you (SMS and/or email).

Upon choosing the “VIP Customer Service” extra, SMS notifications will be sent to your mobile phone with the updates as to when the writer starts working on your order and when the ordered paper is completed. Any important updates regarding your order may also be sent through text messages.

To keep you comfortable, we will follow the below-stated communication rules:

  • The sender’s physical address, together with other important sender information such as the website name, phone number and an unsubscribe links, which will allow you to unsubscribe in one-click, will all be included in our marketing and advertising emails.
  • We promise to always clearly indicate all advertisement messages as such.
  • The information about the sender shall be available for at least thirty (30) days after the details have been sent to you.
  • At times, promotional messages may be sent to your phone in the form of SMS or push-notifications. In order to opt out of these kinds of ads, please reply “STOP” in an SMS reply to the promotional text message.
  • Complains and unsubscribe requests are processed by us within ten (10) business days without unreasonable delay.
  • We will not charge you additionally for any complain, feedback, opt-out request as well cancellation of subscription. All complaints are processed free of charge.

Limitation of Liability



WE are not to be held accountable for any postponements or technincal problems connected with the delivery of any text materials which may result from failure of any mail server or internet server.

we are not liable in NEITHER of the cases when: 1) you do not have the full understanding of the delivered materials or do not understand it in any way; 2) the anticipated by you results are not ACQUIRED FROM THE USE OF OUR SERVICE; 2) THE PAPER IS MISUSED BY YOU IN ANY WAY; 4) ANY UNWANTED CONCEQUENCES FALL UPON YOU AFTER THE USE OF THE PAPER.


You accept to discharge and hold our employees, directors, agents, affiliates/partners, officers, shareholders, representatives, subsidiaries, agencies connected with advertising and promotion fulfilment, us, all third-party providers of information/data sources harmless of all and any damages, rights, losses, claims and actions which may rise from or in any way relate to the text materials, which may include but not be limited to: (a) unsuccessful, imperfect, distorted or late transmission of computer; (b) electronic, software, hardware, Internet, network, phone, email, computer failures, difficulties or breakdowns of any kind; (c) any kind of damages, losses, injuries rising from or connected to the use of our Services; (d) any kind of condition or disorder triggered by any events that our out of our control, which may have caused the late, corrupted or disrupted delivery of the text material; or (e) any kind errors connected with typography or print of any of the materials in connection to our Service.

Additionally, you accept to indemnify, defend and hold us unharmed from any possible demand or suite, claim, which may include those of attorney fees, created by a third party because of your use of our Service, your breach of violation of any part of these Terms of Use or any rights of a third party, any other omission or act by you.

Links from the Website

Links leading to our website may be found on our site. This means that by clicking on them or following them you will leave this research and appear on the pages of the linked websites. You may use those websites in accordance with their terms of use, stated on their resource. We are not responsible for the content available on a resource linked by our website or any fees in connected on transmission received from the linked sites.

Every so often we might create partnerships with third parties that will allow you to gain access to the websites of such third parties straight from our Website. The links contained on the Website, as well as on any other websites including different resources supplied by third parties are provided for your information only. We do not control the content of any of other resources or websites, and accept no responsibility or liability for them including any damage or loss that may arise from your utilization of them.

Surveys, Feedbacks and Testimonials

To provide a feedback and/or a testimonial to our Website, please contact us. Hereby by accessing and/or utilizing this Website you give us your consent to post your first name along with your testimonial on our Website.

Any feedback/ testimonial you provide to us shall be considered to be non-confidential. We shall be free to use such data on the unlimited grounds. Thereafter, by providing the feedback/review, you present and warrant that (i) Your feedback/ review does not hold private/confidential or proprietary details of you or of third parties; (ii) we are not under any obligation of confidentiality, express or are implied, with respect to the feedback/ testimonial; (iii) you are not eligible for any kind compensation or reimbursement for the feedback/ testimonial under any circumstances.

From time to time we may ask you to provide us with your video testimonial for marketing purposes. By accepting these Terms of Use and providing us with your video testimonial, you hereby authorize us to make any copies of it, publications, spread around, make it publicly accessible in any possible way or otherwise use and disclose the video testimonial material as well as any other information used in the testimonial for purposes of marketing and publicizing our Services, or for any other lawful purpose. This authorization shall be used on the Website, or our (or our subsidiaries and/or affiliates) YouTube channel only.

You hereby release us from all claims for damages of any kind based on the use of your video testimonial, information provided within the video testimonial.

You agree that you will make no monetary or other claims against us for the use of your written and/or video testimonials.

We may ask you to participate in a survey connected with the quality assessment in order for us to improve based on the feedback you provide. The questions may be connected with your received papers, the cooperation with your writer or communication with our Customer Support Representatives. These kinds of invitations are usually sent within fourteen (14) after the approval of your order.

Notification of Changes

We expressly reserve the right to change this document from time to time without notice to you. You recognize and accept that it is your responsibility to review the Website together with these Terms from time to time and to familiarize yourself with any modifications. Your continued utilization of the Website after such alterations will establish approval of the changed Terms and acceptance to abide and be bound by the modified Terms.

The Terms of Use applicable to your utilization of our Website will be those in force at the time you access the Website.


These Terms are to remain in effect for as long as you use our Services (“Term”). Either of us may terminate these Terms at any given time, with or without cause, by giving the other party notice of such termination. No Commission Fee (and/or credits) shall accrue or be earned by you after the Term.

Upon termination of these Terms, (a) all licenses hereunder shall terminate and (b) you shall immediately destroy any Papers delivered to you together with their copies.

Final provisions

A complete understanding is shaped by this document between you and us. Verbal or written information is not to be trusted unless it specifically refers to this document.

If you or we are not able to impose the execution of any part of this Terms of Use, it does not relinquish the rights to implement any other part of this document in the future.

This document and no part of it creates any kind of joint venture, employee-employer relationship and/or partnership between you and us. It also does not authorize neither you, nor us to act as a representative or agent of each other.

Third parties do not get any rights resulting from these Terms. Moreover, third party obligations are not to be created based on these Terms.

The English language is the only one used for the communication between us and you as well as most transactions conducted through this website. The German language may be the only other language apart from English to be used for order completion.

If any authority is not able to enforce any paragraph found within this Terms of Use, the provisions stated therein are to be changed in a way to allow it to be enforceable.

The headings of this document are used in order to make the document more legible. However, the connotation of the requirements of these terms is not restricted to that of the headings of different section. Headings shall not be considered during the interpretation of the document.

Both we and you accept that this document (Terms of Use) is governed by the laws of Cyprus.

Date of latest update: May 21st 2018.

The electronic form of this Term of Use shall have equal legal force as if signed in ink.



You are strictly PROHIBITED from accessing or in any way using the Website or the Services if you are located, incorporated or otherwise established in, or a citizen or resident of, or you are using an internet protocol address or telecommunication services provider from: (i) Iran, Syria, North Korea or Sudan; (ii) Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; (iii) a jurisdiction where it would be illegal according to applicable law for you (because of your nationality, domicile, citizenship, residence or otherwise) to access or use the Services; (together, the “Prohibited Jurisdictions”). 

We may, in our sole discretion, restrict/prohibit access to the Services or the Website in any of the Prohibited Jurisdictions. We reserve the right to close any of your accounts immediately upon discovery you are accessing the Services and Website in violation of these restrictions. If you are using the Website or the Services in the breach of the previous paragraph, you are obliged IMMEDIATELY to stop browsing the Website and the Services. Please be aware that if you bypass these restrictions with the help of any software (including but not limited to virtual private networks, proxy servers, Tor browser), third-party services, or by the provision of false data while registering, (i) you are obliged to IMMEDIATELY stop browsing the Website and using the Services; (ii) we are entitled to terminate your access to the Services and the Website, terminate these Terms agreed by you, and inform the respective authorities in your jurisdiction about such violation of the applicable laws (if occurred).