How to Conclude an Essay: Why You Need to Be Persuasive

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How to conclude an essay:

1. Avoid introducing new ideas to the narrative.

2. Reflect on your previous statements.

3. Convince the audience your opinion is a legitimate one.

4. Recap the main idea of the text in one paragraph.

5. Present your argument in a coherent way.

6. Leave the readers with a positive impression.

An essay conclusion should be just as emotive and impactful as the core of your story. If you think that this is an exaggeration, consider it in terms of structure. When the essay conclusion engages the audience, this means that you have achieved the goal of your readers feeling something at the end of the text. We also have to say that conclusions might be the hardest part of any academic paper. First of all, you have to make sure that you have got your point across.

Once you have established the main idea of the text, you can move on to the essence of an essay conclusion. Rounding off the text with enthusiasm is a talent you need to develop in order to stay lit. A great essay conclusion leaves an impression on your fellow students as well as the teacher. We are aware of the hard work behind the process, but this is the only way one can make the audience stay for more. As the specialists say, you have to review the statements that have been made previously without repeating them continuously. It takes practice to structure a well-rounded recap of the story, but once you get there, your readers are going to be pleased. There are also tricks that can help you create a balance in your writing. Read on to find out more about the art of creating a conclusion.

How to Write a Conclusion for an Essay: Easy Tips

If you are wondering how to write conclusion, there is a need to establish some definitions first. At first glance, good ways to start conclusion include the restatement of a previous idea and a summary of the already existing points. Even if this explanation seems to suffice, the conclusion can be comprised of so much more than simply recapping the thesis statement. You have to focus on the central arguments and take advantage of the way the information is presented. To avoid confusion, try following these tips:

  • An essay conclusion does not have to repeat an introductory paragraph. It is tempting to adopt the habit of copying and pasting at the end of an essay. However, writing professionals are certain there is no point in doing this when it comes to your text. First of all, you are cluttering precious space by spilling out words in a random pattern. Secondly, you are rephrasing the exact same words that have already been mentioned at the beginning of the essay. There is another way to introduce a thought and make the audience engaged without the need to be repetitive.
  • An essay conclusion does not have to repeat a body paragraph. This tactic may work for essays with complex arguments and complicated statements. However, if your text is relatively short it basically takes up space and forces the readers to go back to paragraph one for clarification. Make sure that the space-fillers you are using for more word count have a compelling effect on the readers. Some parts of the text may become redundant in the process of editing. It is a natural occurrence and should be accepted according to the rules of creative writing. We know that this is not a method that can be applied most of the time, but it will definitely improve your style and make for a more meaningful conclusion.

Conclusion Paragraph Outline and Content. Being Persuasive

We have already stated that a brilliant conclusion does not necessarily mean you have to repeat the earlier statements word for word. However, you need to keep in mind that reflecting on arguments is a great way to summarize your thoughts. You don’t have to introduce anything new to the academic assignment. But if the conclusion paragraph cannot be associated with a simple recap or a review, it must have something to do with rhetoric.

You shouldn’t panic if you come across the word in the text. It implies that you have managed to construct an effective argument to impact the audience. To cut a long story short, this is what a conclusion paragraph should be about. By connecting with the reader on an emotional level, you make sure that the audience follows the plot of the story and reacts accordingly. Those who have never dealt with structuring a conclusion might find this rather challenging. However, you will soon realize that a few writing practices combined with the draft can do wonders. The experts claim that the same effect can be achieved through the use of certain linguistic constructions and specific sentences. The way your information is presented will elevate the effect your essay makes on the readers and leave a lasting impression. This is the reason we insist on treating a conclusion as more than just a recap.

How to Write a Strong Conclusion and Become More Creative

If you are wondering how to write a conclusion that is going to blow your teacher’s mind, there are some tried and tested methods one can apply. You want the audience to take you seriously and become familiar with the material. The use of rhetorical devices can be your best helper when it comes to essay conclusions. We are not exaggerating when we say that a persuasive set of arguments can turn the tide in your favor and help you achieve the goals you established in the beginning. We are not saying that you should substitute meaning with style. However, applying some of the subtler techniques like the way you structure and phrase the paragraph will improve your writing standards at lightning speed. Those who wish to make a difference and earn their grade need to know that a skeptical audience has to be won over with some convincingly strong points. We suggest treating the essay conclusion like you would an important sales pitch.

Firstly, you have to decide on your target group. If this is a text aimed at teenagers you cannot expect a language bordering on formal. Similarly, you cannot possibly imagine your readers will understand the modern slang you are going to rely on when selling an argument to older people. This is the reason we always recommend the writers to spend more time on selecting the subject of their essay than elaborating on it. This will allow you to become aware of the audience you are trying to persuade and hone your talents of recapping information at the end of the paragraph. Think of a summary as a chance to leave the readers with a favorable opinion about your work. Your assignment should not be narrowed down to the text that is only made of facts and statistics. Apart from proving your point, you actually have to show your readers that you care. This is a valid point in terms of essay structure that requires you to connect with the audience and leave them pleased with the content.

How to End an Essay. Research that Leaves You Wondering

Typing in the request such as “how to write a conclusion for an essay” may result in you providing a fresh angle for the topic. However, you need to keep in mind that enticing your readers is just as important. Here is what you can do to improve your writing talents and create a brilliant conclusion:

  • Engage in summarizing the points without the need to reiterate too often
  • Display your knowledge of the topic without sounding too judgmental
  • Wrap up your previous points in a way that your readers can understand
  • Provide closure to a particular subject and cover the main ideas
  • Leave some room for the audience so they can draw their own conclusions
  • Give a sense of completeness by expanding your argument
  • Start with an impactful thought and broaden horizons
  • Revisit the statements that have been made earlier in the text
  • End with the idea that engages your fellow students
  • Channel your thoughts in a positive way to connect with the followers

The conclusion that really matters has one goal: showing the significance of the research that has been made on the topic. If you achieved this goal and managed to make it to the end of the text, this means there is no need to review your previous statements. Settle for a neutral tone and add finishing touches to the essay by indicating the necessity of your findings. This will help you highlight the thoughts that really matter and ensure your productivity.